Dagens Pagani

Om du verkligen älskar din Pagani Zonda Revolution som du använder flitigt.
Så vill du kanske ha en till som enbart prydnad att beundra..
Och du kanske vill ha den som en funktionell prydnad, typ som en rumfördelare..

Ja har man råd så.


”A few years ago I asked Horacio (Pagani CEO) if I could get an AMG engine, because I would like to put it in the shop. He told me, ’Why do we not do a replica of the Zonda R?’ At first I thought it was a crazy idea, especially with the cost of buying such an expensive chassis. Time passed by and he called me again. He said, ’Ok kid, that’s it, we’re going to make a replica of the R but you have to put it in your house.’ And that’s how it happened. Obviously, it’s a completely bare chassis and it could never mate with an engine, as the carbon fiber wouldn’t have the density to withstand the torsion. So it’s strictly decoration.”


There is a lot of talk about the Zonda that I have in my house. First of all, it's not my Zonda Revolution Black Minion. This is just a work of art. Structurally will never be able to receive an engine or the entire mechanical part. I would never condemn Black Minion to being locked in a living room. Race cars are for driving 😈🌚. Se hablo mucho del Zonda que tengo en mi casa . Primero que todo, no es mi Zonda Revolucion Black Minion . Esto es solamente una obra de arte. Estructuralmente jamas va a poder recibir un motor o toda la parte mecanica . Jamas condenaria a Black Minion a estar encerrado en un living. Los autos de carrera son para manejar😈🌚. #darkminion #blackminion #pagani #carbonfiber #rideordie #miami #paganizonda #zondar

Ett inlägg delat av Pablo Perez Companc (@pperezc)


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