Initiative Backpack by Joel Storella for Bodega





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One of a kind. For acclaimed handbag designer Joel Storella, the term signifies the importance of ensuring that each of his pieces comes out personally hand-stitched and creatively unique. It’s not just that he purposely does not use any production facility to make his bags, but Storella commits his own considerable physical talents to his work, as well as collaborating with all of his clients to make something with a shared vision in mind. No mass production, no duplication. One of a kind.

Bodega prides itself on maintaining relationships with artistic talent and promoting that talent whenever possible. Joel Storella’s creative development and maturation has led to a special project with Bodega, named the Initiative backpack, by Joel Storella LLC. Made of natural matte python, the Initiative features hand-stitched shoulders straps and a contoured body for a comfortable feel. Aptly named, the Initiative backpack marks Joel’s first venture into catering to a larger market. The backpack will be made on a case by case basis by Storella himself, with each new owner receiving a product that is unique in its own right.


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