, pub-4635670657459886, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Dålig Service : Nike · Sir Pierre's Godispåse

Dålig Service : Nike

Den 5 Augusti la jag en order på flera NIKEiD par.
Den 17 Augusti fick jag tre separata mail om att 3 par var snart klara.
Den 22 och den 25 fick jag mail om att två par var skickade.

De två paren har kommit, med lite mer än en veckas mellanrum.
Men det 3e paret fick jag aldrig något mail om att de var klara och redo att skickas..

Så jag ringde till Nike, Fick svaret om att det paret var klart och redo för att skickas..
Jag väntar..

Den 1 September har jag fått hem de andra paren, men ännu inte ens fått ett mail om att det 3e paret är klart och redo att skickas.
Så jag mailar Nike för att ta reda på vad det är som händer.. Är det fel på skorna eller?
Och jag får samma svar som tidigare.


Hi Pierre,

I am sorry to hear that you have not received all the items in your order yet though I would be happy to check on it’s status to find out when you can expect to receive your Nike Air Force 1 High Premium iD shoes. You made a great choice with NIKEiD, it’s a fantastic way to mix our iconic designs with your own personal style!

I have looked into this and can see that 3 out of the 4 pairs in your order have been shipped and 1 pair (the Nike Air Force 1 High Premium iD shoes) are still preparing to ship. I can see that the shoes you have received have arrived ahead of schedule and we are still on target to meet the estimated delivery date of 05/09 with regards to the pair that are still to be shipped.

Once your item does ship, you will receive a shipping confirmation e-mail with tracking information to view the up to date location of your package as it journeys to you. I would also inform you that if your iD trainer is not the correct size, or if it is not how you expected, our 30 day return policy does extend to our iD items so you can follow our returns procedure through the online store web site.

I have also noticed you are a Nike+ member so would like to thank you for this and remind you how all orders placed here on come with free shipping for all Nike+ members!

Please let me know if you have any questions, and I would be happy to help further!

Have a nice afternoon.


Okej..Så jag väntar.

Den 5 September kommer, fortfarande inga skor, fortfarande inget mail om att de är klara, så jag mailar igen.


September 5th is here.. i just recieved my 3rd pair.

After several mails and phoncalls my i havent even receieved a mail about my 4th pair beeing finished.

You just say that its ready ti be shipped.

Whats going on with my 4th pair?

Are you having troubles with the silver color?


Hi Pierre,

Thanks for getting back in touch with us about this. I have checked your order on our system and can see that the status has changed to completed therefore we are expecting this to ship very soon. We do apologise for the slight delay in this though I will be monitoring the process on this for you and the moment it ships I will be back in touch to let you know.

If you happen to have any questions in the meantime then feel free to get in touch. I will be here to help.

Have a nice afternoon.



Why havent i got a mail where it says completed?

Why have it took almost a month from ”almost completed” to ready to ship and now completed?


Inget svar..
Och mitt tålamod tar slut, så jag packar upp de paren jag har fått redan för att göra en unboxing video.
Och ser då att där är en MASSA ”flaws” på skorna..
En massa..

Kolla bilderna i detta inlägget.

Unboxing : Nike Air Force 1 Mid Premium iD Metallic Gold / Compared with Metallic Bronze RoseGold #MYNIKEiDs


Så jag mailar Nike igen ang detta nu


Hi again

Im having some issues with the pairs i have allready recieved.

first of all, i have 3 pairs here. 6 shoes.. 5 of them have marks, glue marks, scratches etc etc..

and my gold pair have bronce speckles in the sole.

I ordered that pair with gold speckles of course.

gold with gold speckles and bronze with bronze speckles.

Now i have bronze speckles on both pairs.. i looks really stupid on the gold pair.

See my pics.

And im getting really concerned about my silver pair since it has took so long to complete them.

What is going on here??

Please get back to me asap.


Dagen efter svarar de mig


Hi Pierre,

I am sorry to hear that the NIKE iD shoes you have received are not as you was expecting. I have tried to open the attachements you sent however I was unable to open them due to the format you have saved them to. For this reason I was wondering if you would be so kind as to e-mail the pictures as a PDF file and I will take a look to see what kind of solution we can offer.
In addition to this I am now going to forward your case to my senior colleagues so we can check with the warehouse team regarding the 4th pair of shoes which have not shipped yet.

Just as soon as I have received a response from them I will let you know however feel free to get in touch if you have any questions in the meantime and I will be here to help.

Kindest regards,


De kunde inte se mina bilder så jag skickar länken istället.


3 dagar går.. inget svar.

I’m waiting on a reply

// Pierre


Ytterligare två dagar utan svar

Why are my shoes still not shipped??

And im still waiting on a refound for the others.

VERY bad service!


Två dagar till

Why are you not answering my mails???

Och nu ytterligare två dagar senare så får jag detta svaret


Hi Pierre,

I trust you are well. We apologise for the delay in response however we was waiting for news on your shipment.

After checking this further I have been informed that the shoes are scheduled to be shipped for before the end of this week. For this reason I will be monitoring the progress for you and shall provide you with an update when they have shipped along with your tracking number. Regarding your returned items I was wondering if you could clarify the postage date on this and I will gladly look into it further. Could you also confirm which pairs of shoes from the order you returned?

I look forwards in hearing from you.



Mina skor är FORTFARANDE inte skickade!!
Jag har fortfarande inte ens fått ett mail om att de är klara!!!
Och de verkar totalt ha glömt bort skadorna på mina levererade skor!

Sånt här kan få mig att sluta köpa Nike skor helt och hållet.

I 3 veckor har de sagt att det sista paret är klart och redo att skickas!!!





Det fortsätter.. Och inte till det bättre.

Den 13e får jag ett mail om att det silvriga paret är på väg till mig..
Till sist..
Men jag vill fortfarande ha kompensation eller nya för de jag redan har fått, Som är fulla utav märken.


Jag bad om att få någon annan som skulle ta hand om mitt ärende, då började svaren komma.


Hi Pierre,

I trust you are well. We apologise for the delay in response however we was waiting for news on your shipment.

After checking this further I have been informed that the shoes are scheduled to be shipped for before the end of this week. For this reason I will be monitoring the progress for you and shall provide you with an update when they have shipped along with your tracking number. Regarding your returned items I was wondering if you could clarify the postage date on this and I will gladly look into it further. Could you also confirm which pairs of shoes from the order you returned?

I look forwards in hearing from you.




Idioten har alltså NOLL KOLL på ärendet!!!
Jag har inte skickat tillbaka några skor!!!!



Hi Pierre,

I can understand your frustration on this and would like to reassure you that I am chasing it up for you.
As it happens the reason for the delay is due to a bottle neck of orders at the warehouse which has slowed down the production.
Again we do apologise for this though we are hoping to get this out to you as I said by the end of this week, and I am currently monitoring this closely.

I would also like to thank you for providing the pictures. I have checked through this and can see what you mean
Regarding the blemishes and scuffs you are referring to. From what I can see here I would say a remake would correct the scuffs though I may need consultation from my senior colleagues regarding the issue with the coloured specs before we can offer you a remake. The reason being that I would like to check if a remake can resolve this as it could be that this is the way they are intended to be. Before I do I was wondering if a remake of the shoes is what you are looking for?
It will take the same length to create and deliver the item to you, but this would be done free of charge. In this case you should send the shoes back to us, so that we could address this issue to our factory. Do let me know and I will check to see if possible.

Otherwise we have 2 other options;

1. If you do not want to keep the shoes, we can offer you a return for a full refund and an additional 20% promo code for your next order on

2. If you would like to keep the shoes, we can offer you a 20% refund of the original price in regards to the quality.

Do let me know how you would like to proceed with the faulty shoes and I will then take the necessary steps.

I look forwards in hearing from you.



20% på ett nästa köp är totalt ointressant för mig
Och 20% tillbaka på skorna är allt för dåligt.
Och att skicka in mina för att få de fixade och vänta i 1.5 månad till! Glöm det!!

Jag vill ha nya skor!


Och att det ska vara guld prickar på guld skor och brons prickar på brons skor kan vem som helst se bara genom att gå in på hemsidan!!!!

Så det jag begär nu är nya skor, och att jag behåller dessa jag har nu tills jag har fått hem nya felfria skor.
Det eller 50% tillbaka på skorna så behåller jag dem som de är.


Hi Pierre,

Thanks for getting back to me on this. I have checked the stock to see if we can offer a remake on the shoes however as it turns out the materials you used to design them with are no longer available therefore we are unable provide replacement shoes for you as a solution. In this case I was wondering what your intentions are with the shoes given that we are unable to replace them?
For example if you would like to keep the shoes then we can offer you a 20% partial refund on each pair of faulty shoes. Alternatively we can offer a full refund upon returning the shoes and a single 25% Promo code to use for a discount off on a new order.

If you could get back to me on this then I will look into it right away. Also do let me know if you have any further questions.

I look forwards in hearing from you.



Så nu säger han att materialet är slut och att jag inte kan få nya skor och inte ens få mina skor fixade!!!!

This just keep getting worse and worse.
I will keep the shoes just to have in my 700+ pairs collection and a 20% refund is just ridiculous
I want 50% refund

Hi Pierre,

Thanks for letting me know you would like to keep the shoes for your collection. That’s an impressive amount you have acquired there. In this case we can offer you a 20% partial refund on each of the faulty shoes within your order though we are unable to increase the amount any higher than this I am afraid. Do let me know if you would like to receive this offer and I will process the refund right away.

If you have any questions then just let me know.

Kindest regards,


Sen får jag ett mail till där han Simon som skulle hålla noga koll på leveransen av mitt 4e par.. Att 3 dagar efter de har skickats så mailar han mig om att de är skickade.
Förstår ni nu varför det inte är bra att göra droger lagligt?
Än en gång så ber jag om mer än 20% tillbaka, Samt att det inte är lönt för honom att skriva ”på de skor som är skadade” eftersom det 4e paret som kommer nu garanterat också kommer att ha skador!
Så det är lika bra att räkna på hela ordern.

Hi Pierre,

As mentioned in the previous e-mail the 4th pair should be with you by Friday, so if you can let me know once they arrive that would be great.

I would also like to help by setting the right expectations for you regarding the refund. I have looked into this and spoken with my senior colleagues and a 20% partial refund on each pair of faulty shoes if the highest amount of a refund we can offer you on this. If you would like a full refund then you would need to return the shoes. Should the 4th pair happen to have any faults then we would look at this independently once you have received the shoes and updated us about the issue.

I hope this makes sense though do let me know if you happen to have any further questions and I will be happy to assist.

Kindest regards,


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