Varför har banker Guld?


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Ett inlägg delat av OnlyForLuxury (@onlyforluxury)

Beneath the bustling streets of London lies an incredible £250 billion ($315 billion) in gold bars, securely housed in the Bank of England’s underground vaults. With around 400,000 bars spread across nine vaults, this treasure trove represents not only immense wealth but also a legacy stretching back centuries. The Bank of England, established in 1734, is a testament to gold’s lasting significance.

The bank’s vast gold reserves have their roots in a practical solution to an age-old problem. When gold coins were the primary form of currency, they were valuable but inconvenient to carry due to their weight. To simplify transactions, people began depositing their gold with goldsmiths, who issued paper IOUs in return. These IOUs eventually evolved into the banknotes we use today, while the gold itself remained safely stored in secure vaults.
By: World Gold Council

Ja och Banksedlar är/blev ju mer eller mindre pengar.
Men ”problemet” är att det idag finns länder som trycker pengar och det finns ”värde” i Kryptovaluta utan någon som helst grund, utan att det finns guld som det representerar.

Men förr så var bankerna tvungna att ha guld.
Och guldtackor/brickor/mynt var vad sedlar VAR FÖRR i Sverige.

Har ni inte sett filmen Goldfinger så gör det 😉

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