The Lanzante 930 TAG Turbo: Where Formula 1 Meets Porsche 911 Excellence

FORMULA 1 Engine in a Porsche 911? | Lanzante TAG Turbo

Jag har redan ett inlägg om den bilen, men jag hittar inte det som vanligt, så jag lägger in fler videos nedan.


F1-powered, road-legal Porsche 930 TAG Turbo by Lanzante: 1.5-litre V6 Turbo Sound!

Street-legal Porsche 930 TAG Turbo with Formula 1 Engine! 1.5L V6 Turbo Sounds & Flames!

F1-engined Porsche 930 TAG debuts at FOS

When UNDERPOWERED Porsche F1 Dominated With A V6 Turbo

Lanzante Porsche 930 Tag Turbo Cinematic

$1.45M Porsche 930 with Formula 1 Engine by Lanzante | 1.5 Liter TAG Turbo V6 9000rpms SOUND!

F1-powered, road-legal Porsche 930 TAG Turbo by Lanzante: 1.5-litre V6 Turbo Sound!

This Porsche 930 has an F1 Engine and IT’S STREET LEGAL!!!

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