Historien bakom Wunder-Baum Doftgranar

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Little Tree Air Fresheners – A Brief History

In Europe, the iconic Tree-shaped air freshener is known as Little TreesWunder-Baum, or Arbre Magique, but the story starts in the USA and it is from there that the air freshener took over the world.

In 1952, a milk truck driver in northern New York complained to Julius Sämann about the smell of spilled milk. To address this issue, Julius combined exceptional fragrances with specialized blotter material and invented the first car air freshener. He gave it the shape of an abstract evergreen tree in honour of his years extracting aromatic oils in Canada’s pine forests.

These air fresheners proved an efficient, high-quality solution to a common problem and soon they were flying off shelves. Orders started rolling in from all over the country and quickly gained a strong international following. Julius’ pioneering product has become a global symbol of freshness and quality. It has appeared in countless movies and television shows.

The Tree range has expanded dramatically from the early days of Royal Pine to include beloved fragrances like Vanillaroma, Black Ice, and New Car, and are made in a factory in Switzerland.

The product range has expanded too, with the addition of other air freshening solutions like Clip, Fiber Can, and Bottle. These products offer a choice in style while still delivering great fragrances.

Julius Sämann was passionate about the quality of his products. He insisted on rigorous testing and quality control procedures to ensure they met his high standards for fragrance, strength, and longevity.  Wunder-Baum AG is committed to producing high-quality, long-lasting, and affordable products that provide the best fragrance experience possible.


** Jag har inte haft någon Wunder-Baum Doftgran i någon av mina bilar sedan jag hade min första firmabil för snart 25 år sedan.
Däremot så har jag andra saker som luktar gott i form av annat, t.e.x en sneaker =)

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