Sparar till mig själv : Natal Chart Report

Birth chart data for Friday, September 24, 1982 at 03:17 AM
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Name Sign House Deg Name Sign Deg
Sun Sun Libra Libra 2 0.7° Ascendant Leo Leo 23.4°
Moon Moon Sagittarius Sagittarius 4 18.5° House 2 Virgo Virgo 10.7°
Mercury Mercury Libra Libra 3 16.3° House 3 Libra Libra 4.3°
Venus Venus Virgo Virgo 2 20° House 4 Scorpio Scorpio 7.2°
Mars Mars Sagittarius Sagittarius 4 2.7° House 5 Sagittarius Sagittarius 18.5°
Jupiter Jupiter Scorpio Scorpio 4 10.2° House 6 Capricorn Capricorn 25.6°
Saturn Saturn Libra Libra 3 22.2° House 7 Aquarius Aquarius 23.4°
Uranus Uranus Sagittarius Sagittarius 4 1.5° House 8 Pisces Pisces 10.7°
Neptune Neptune Sagittarius Sagittarius 5 24.4° House 9 Aries Aries 4.3°
Pluto Pluto Libra Libra 3 25.8° MC Taurus Taurus 7.2°
North Node North Node Cancer Cancer 11 9.6° House 11 Gemini Gemini 18.5°
Lilith Lilith Capricorn Capricorn 5 10.6° House 12 Cancer Cancer 25.6°

*The chart above uses the Placidus House System. To view placements in the Equal House System, expand the chart wheel below.



Click to expand aspect chart

Planet Aspect Planet Orb
Sun  Sun Trine Mars  Mars 2.07°
Sun  Sun Trine Uranus  Uranus 0.78°
Sun  Sun Square Neptune  Neptune 6.31°
Moon  Moon Trine Mercury  Mercury 2.2°
Moon  Moon Square Venus  Venus 1.52°
Moon  Moon Trine Saturn  Saturn 3.68°
Moon  Moon Conjunct Neptune  Neptune 5.85°
Moon  Moon Trine Pluto  Pluto 7.31°
Moon  Moon Trine Ascendant  Ascendant 4.86°
Mercury  Mercury Conjunct Saturn  Saturn 5.88°
Mercury  Mercury Square Lilith  Lilith 5.75°
Venus  Venus Square Neptune  Neptune 4.34°
Mars  Mars Conjunct Uranus  Uranus 1.29°
Jupiter  Jupiter Trine North Node  North Node 0.64°
Jupiter  Jupiter Trine Lilith  Lilith 0.35°
Saturn  Saturn Trine Neptune  Neptune 2.17°
Saturn  Saturn Conjunct Pluto  Pluto 3.63°
Saturn  Saturn Trine Ascendant  Ascendant 1.17°
Neptune  Neptune Trine Pluto  Pluto 1.46°
Neptune  Neptune Trine Ascendant  Ascendant
Pluto  Pluto Trine Ascendant  Ascendant 2.45°
North Node  North Node Square Lilith  Lilith 0.99°



Chart Wheel

Click to expand chart wheel

Note: This chart wheel uses the equal house system, which may differ from the Placidus houses on the chart above.

Livet är antingen ett spännande äventyr eller ett platt intet.


Detta är en personlighetstyp som alltid påverkar sin omedelbara omgivning. Det enklaste sättet att identifiera en Entreprenör på en fest är att titta efter den strömvirvel av människor som rör sig runt dem när de går från grupp till grupp. De underhåller gärna med sin rättframma och jordnära humor. Entreprenörer tycker om att vara centrum för allas uppmärksamhet. Om någon ur publiken ombeds att komma upp på scen tvekar inte Entreprenörer att kliva fram, eller att säga att en blyg vän gärna kliver upp.

Entreprenörspersonligheter är inte särskilt intresserade av teorier, abstrakta koncept eller långrandiga diskussioner om världspolitik och dess följder. Entreprenörer föredrar rappa och intelligenta samtal – men det ska vara konkreta samtalsämnen – eller ännu hellre att gå direkt från ord till handling. Denna personlighetstyp tar gärna steget rakt ut i blindo och rättar till misstag efter hand. Hellre det än att sitta stilla och förbereda för alla eventualiteter eller planera nödutgångar.

“Entreprenör” Personlighet (ESTP-A / ESTP-T)

Förväxla aldrig rörelse med handling

Entreprenörer är den personlighetstyp som oftast gör riskbeteende till en livsstil. De lever i nuet och kastar sig rakt in i händelsernas centrum. De vill alltid vara med där det händer. Entreprenörstyper är människor som gillar drama, passion och nöjen – inte för de känslomässiga kickarna, utan för att deras logiska sinnen stimuleras så mycket av det. De är tvungna att fatta kritiska beslut på den faktiska, omedelbara verkligheten i en kedja av snabba, rationella stimuli-responsprocesser.

Det gör att skolan och andra strikt organiserade miljöer är besvärliga för Entreprenörer. Det beror inte på att människor av denna personlighetstyp inte skulle vara intelligenta. De kan göra bra ifrån sig, men det uppstyrda föreläsningsformat som kännetecknar formell utbildning ligger mycket från det konkreta lärande som Entreprenörer trivs bäst med. Det krävs stor mognad för att kunna se denna process som ett nödvändigt medel för att nå målet, något som skapar ännu fler spännande möjligheter.

En annan sak som besvärar Entreprenörspersonligheter är att de inte riktigt förstår varför de ska styras av någon annan moralisk kompass än den egna. Regler är helt enkelt till för att brytas. Detta är en uppfattning som inte lär delas av särskilt många lärare i skolan eller överordnade på jobbet. Därför kan också Entreprenörspersonligheter lätt få ett visst rykte. Men om de tyglar bråkstaken i sig och istället kanaliserar sin energi så att de håller sitt fokus även genom de tråkiga bitarna är Entreprenörer en kraft att räkna med.

De flesta lyssnar inte ordentligt

Tack vare den kanske mest klarsynta, nyktraste synen av alla personlighetstyper är Entreprenörer unikt skickliga på att upptäcka små förändringar. Det kan röra sig om en skiftning i ansiktsuttrycket, en ny klädstil eller förändrade vanor. Entreprenörer noterar dolda tankar och motiv där de flesta andra personlighetstyper skulle skatta sig lyckliga om de märkte något särskilt överhuvudtaget. Entreprenörer använder sig av dessa iakttagelser omedelbart. De tar upp förändringen och ställer frågor, ofta utan att ta någon större hänsyn till den andra personens känslor. Entreprenörer behöver tänka på att inte alla tycker om att få sina hemligheter och beslut utbasunerade från hustaken.

Men om Entreprenörer inte är försiktiga finns det risk för att de låter sig svepas med av ögonblicket, går för långt och kör över mer känsliga personer eller glömmer att sköta om sin egen hälsa och säkerhet. Entreprenörer utgör endast 4 procent av befolkningen, vilket innebär att de är tillräckligt många för att sätta krydda på tillvaron och skapa konkurrens, men inte så många att de riskerar att välta hela systemet över ända.

De är fulla av en passion och energi som kompletteras av ett rationellt, om än emellanåt distraherat, sinne. Människor av den här personlighetstypen är inspirerande, övertygande och färgstarka. De är naturliga gruppledare som får alla med sig på okonventionella idéer genom att entusiasmera och stimulera alla och envar. Att använda dessa kvalitéer till något konstruktivt och givande är Entreprenörernas verkliga utmaning.



Strengths & Weaknesses

Entrepreneur Strengths

Entrepreneur (ESTP) strengths
  • Bold – People with the Entrepreneur personality type are full of life and energy. There is no greater joy for Entrepreneurs than pushing boundaries and discovering and using new things and ideas.
  • Rational and Practical – Entrepreneurs love knowledge and philosophy, but not for their own sake. What’s fun for Entrepreneur personalities is finding ideas that are actionable and drilling into the details so they can put them to use. If a discussion is completely arbitrary, there are better uses for Entrepreneurs’ time.
  • Original – Combining their boldness and practicality, Entrepreneurs love to experiment with new ideas and solutions. They put things together in ways no one else would think to.
  • Perceptive – This originality is helped by Entrepreneurs’ ability to notice when things change – and when they need to change! Small shifts in habits and appearances stick out to Entrepreneurs, and they use these observations to help create connections with others.
  • Direct – This perceptive skill isn’t used for mind games – Entrepreneurs prefer to communicate clearly, with direct and factual questions and answers. Things are what they are.
  • Sociable – All these qualities pull together to make a natural group leader in Entrepreneurs. This isn’t something that they actively seek – people with this personality type just have a knack for making excellent use of social interactions and networking opportunities.

Entrepreneur Weaknesses

Entrepreneur (ESTP) weaknesses
  • Insensitive – Feelings and emotions come second to facts and “reality” for Entrepreneurs. Emotionally charged situations are awkward, uncomfortable affairs, and Entrepreneurs’ blunt honesty doesn’t help here. These personalities often have a lot of trouble acknowledging and expressing their own feelings as well.
  • Impatient – Entrepreneurs move at their own pace to keep themselves excited. Slowing down because someone else “doesn’t get it” or having to stay focused on a single detail for too long is extremely challenging for Entrepreneurs.
  • Risk-prone – This impatience can lead Entrepreneurs to push into uncharted territory without thinking of the long-term consequences. Entrepreneur personalities sometimes intentionally combat boredom with extra risk.
  • Unstructured – Entrepreneurs see an opportunity – to fix a problem, to advance, to have fun – and seize the moment, often ignoring rules and social expectations in the process. This may get things done, but it can create unexpected social fallout.
  • May Miss the Bigger Picture – Living in the moment can cause Entrepreneurs to miss the forest for the trees. People with this personality type love to solve problems here and now, perhaps too much. All parts of a project can be perfect, but the project will still fail if those parts do not fit together.
  • Defiant – Entrepreneurs won’t be boxed in. Repetition, hardline rules, sitting quietly while they are lectured at – this isn’t how Entrepreneurs live their lives. They are action-oriented and hands-on. Environments like school and much entry-level work can be so tedious that they’re intolerable, requiring extraordinary effort from Entrepreneurs to stay focused long enough to get to freer positions.



Romantic Relationships

When it comes to romantic relationships, people with the Entrepreneur personality type can hardly be said to be pining away for their wedding day. Life is fun and full of surprises (something Entrepreneurs have particular skill in delivering), and they enjoy it all in the here and now. Entrepreneurs may not spend a lot of time planning for “someday”, but their enthusiasm and unpredictability make them thrilling dating partners.

Entrepreneurs’ relationships are far from boring. Their improvisational style creates a seemingly never-ending list of activities and hobbies to be involved in, and Entrepreneurs fully encourage their partners to partake.

Entrepreneurs love new ideas and the occasional philosophical discussion – but they need to be topics that can explored through action together, not just idle talk. There’s musing about the causes and effects of epidemic obesity, and there’s training for a marathon together to promote healthy living.

Entrepreneur (ESTP) romantic relationships

As Good as Spring Itself

Sexually, Entrepreneurs have no real reservations. It’s fun, it’s physically enjoyable, new ideas are always welcome, and Entrepreneur personalities’ strong perception keeps them well-tuned to their partners’ needs. However, Entrepreneurs’ separation of the physical act from the more emotional and spiritual connections that many other types look for in intimacy can be a serious source of tension if everybody isn’t on the same page. Some types need sex to be a genuine expression of love – Entrepreneurs just aren’t one of them.

As time passes, it can be challenging for Entrepreneurs to move their relationships to deeper, more emotionally intimate levels. Easily bored, people with the Entrepreneur personality type seek constant excitement – sometimes even intentionally exposing themselves to risk if they feel stuck. If their partners aren’t able to keep up, Entrepreneurs may just end up looking for someone new. It’s not that Entrepreneur personalities are unfaithful. Rather, they may think to themselves “This isn’t working, so why should I pretend it is?” Entrepreneurs are rational, and can exercise self-control if they choose, but being as charming and popular as they are, it can sometimes be a little too easy to move on.

Travel Only With Those You Love

As with any relationship, it takes work and patience. Not every day can be a thrill a minute. But Entrepreneurs are adaptable, curious individuals, which certainly helps to keep the flame burning. Maintaining healthy relationships is the ultimate chance for Entrepreneurs to exercise their talents in perceiving every change in their partners’ mood and behavior, while also using their problem-solving abilities to address their needs. Entrepreneurs can also strengthen more neglected traits, like emotional sensitivity and long-term planning.


People with the Entrepreneur personality type are definitely the life of the party. With an enviable imagination and invigorating sense of spontaneity, Entrepreneurs are never boring. They love exploring interesting ideas, both in discussion and by going out and seeing for themselves, which means that Entrepreneurs always seem to have some fun activity hidden up their sleeves. At the same time, Entrepreneur personalities are easy-going, tolerant, and charming, making them naturally quite popular.

When I Have an Idea, I Turn Down the Flame…

Hands-on, physical activities like team sports are Entrepreneurs’ idea of fun, and these environments give them plenty of chances to make new friends. There is little difficulty for Entrepreneurs here – they seem to get along with just about everyone, and make new friends wherever they go. Entrepreneurs live in the moment, and as a naturally confident personality type (especially if they are Assertive as well), they don’t worry much about what others think of them. This attracts friends who share their attitude and zest for life.

Entrepreneur (ESTP) friends

While not opposed to long philosophical discussions, and often enjoying the intellectual exercise, Entrepreneurs are unlikely to develop friendships based solely around one-on-one discussions about European economic challenges and the role of religion in politics. Straightforward to the point of being blunt, Entrepreneurs call it like they see it, and an honest opinion in debate is a sure thing. But at their hearts, Entrepreneurs are people of action, preferring to do what can be done than to talk about what might someday be.

…Eventually It Builds Up and Explodes – That’s My Idea

Sitting idle, especially in boredom, is the bane of Entrepreneurs’ existence.

Exploration, excitement, adrenaline and risk – Entrepreneurs’ friends should be prepared for all of these things. Often enough they’re happy to perform for the crowd, but they also tend to encourage their friends to join in. Most personality types might take “thanks but no thanks” personally, but Entrepreneurs are comfortable with who they are, and are more likely to just shrug their shoulders and move on with those friends who are game for adventure.



In a lot of ways, Entrepreneurs are what many children would consider the perfect parent. Fun-loving and playful, flexible and understanding, people with the Entrepreneur personality type genuinely enjoy spending time with their children, and know how to make sure everyone is having a good time. Entrepreneurs have a natural curiosity and spontaneity that is perfectly matched to the wonder and insatiable desire to learn that young children have.

Entrepreneur (ESTP) parents

Looking at Everything as if for the First Time

Entrepreneurs love hands-on activities, and their children aren’t left wanting for someone to play catch with, or to help them build a model for school. Sports, hiking, and other practical, hands-on hobbies are all welcomed and encouraged. At the same time, given their aversion to rules and schedules themselves, Entrepreneurs aren’t likely to forcibly enter their children into all manner of clubs and teams. If their kids want to play softball, great – if not, well, they’ll just find something else to do.

Maybe the greatest thing about Entrepreneur parents is that they see their children as equal members of the family.

Entrepreneurs give their children freedom, encourage them to use their own judgment (especially with the minor stuff), and to follow their hearts – to heck with what other people think. Entrepreneur personalities keep a close enough eye on their kids, using that knack for picking up on even the slightest changes in others’ moods and habits, that they can step in with extra guidance when things start to go wrong.

Entrepreneurs do have one significant parental challenge though: emotional bonding. Feelings tend to be seen by Entrepreneurs as a bit of an irrational distraction, rather than a tool for expression and connection. If their children happen to be more sensitive, this can be a source of tension between Entrepreneurs and their children. Frank honesty isn’t always the best prescription.

We Are All Apprentices in a Craft Where No One Is Master

Still, Entrepreneurs can often rely on a more sensitive partner to help them out in this regard, and the healthy bonds they form through their shared activities can help to bridge the gap. Entrepreneurs have the added benefit of direct and understanding relationships – their children won’t feel so much like they have to hide their mistakes and challenges, the holy grail of parent-child communication.



Career Paths

When it comes to Entrepreneurs’ career options, “action” is the word of the day. People with the Entrepreneur personality type think on their feet and are great at making quick decisions in the heat of the moment. At the same time, they’re affable people who always seem to make friends and connections wherever they go. Popularity and solid networking can be huge assets in the working world, and Entrepreneurs nail it.

Entrepreneur (ESTP) careers

This social intelligence, combined with Entrepreneurs’ natural boldness and improvisational skill, makes sales, business negotiations, marketing, even acting – any tense, competitive environment – a great fit. Entrepreneur personalities trust themselves to make the right call. Risks, big and small, are a part of life, and Entrepreneurs don’t sit around waiting for some boss at the top to tell them what to do. This can get Entrepreneurs into trouble, but often enough it’s exactly what’s needed, and can boost them up the career ladder just as well.

It’s hard to imagine Entrepreneurs choosing secure but boring jobs over less stable but more exciting careers.

Restrictions, rules, highly structured environments – these are great ways to drive Entrepreneurs crazy. People with this personality type live life on their own terms, and this makes them brilliant business people and freelancers. These roles also allow them to delegate the more tedious aspects of work, the accounting, meticulous research and so forth, to those better suited.

Entrepreneurs are curious, energetic people with a taste for action. There are those who analyze and manage the logistics of public safety resource distribution, and there are those who drive the ambulances, patrol the streets, and save lives with their own two hands – Entrepreneur personalities are the latter. They are highly observant yet impatient, enabling them to take in the whole of a situation at a glance, and act. Any emergency response role is great for Entrepreneurs, whether it be as paramedics, police officers, or soldiers.

There’s Nothing to It – Just Sit Down and Bleed Your Passion

This quality of living in the moment and craving immediate results for their efforts translates well into another field: sports. The thrill of competition, of pushing themselves to the physical limit to rack up just one more point for the win can have no comparison for Entrepreneurs. Whether they are on the field as athletes themselves, coaching from the sidelines or commentating from high above, people with the Entrepreneur personality type revel in well-honed team effort and a well-executed plan, and any of these positions makes a fine line of work for them.

Workplace Habits

In just about any environment, the workplace included, it’s pretty easy to spot Entrepreneurs. Boisterous and spontaneous, fun-loving and maybe a little crass, people with the Entrepreneur personality type love tackling problems as they arise and telling great stories about their solutions afterwards. Naturally, some positions work better with these qualities than others, but Entrepreneurs are adaptable individuals, and can find a way to make just about any situation a little more interesting.

Entrepreneur (ESTP) workplace habits

Entrepreneur Subordinates

Entrepreneurs’ most challenging position is the one that most people have to start out in: as subordinates. While perfectly capable of exercising restraint on their own terms, Entrepreneur personalities hate having others’ rules and regulations foisted upon them. Entrepreneurs are known for their experimentation, improvisation and quick thinking – if they’re not allowed to use these qualities and have to check in with a supervisor for every little thing, they’ll be bored and frustrated.

Entrepreneurs know well that risk equals reward, and they’ll gladly skirt more mundane tasks in favor of something a little more exciting, in the hope that it catches someone’s attention. A plaque and a bonus go a long way for people with this personality type. Getting ahead by the tenets of staid reliability, quiet helpfulness, or mere seniority isn’t Entrepreneurs’ way – they move forward by sheer force of personality in a well-handled crisis.

Entrepreneur Colleagues

As colleagues, Entrepreneurs have a work hard, play hard mentality – as long as everyone else is pulling their weight, they’ll gladly pull their own, and have a great time doing it. Charming and popular individuals that they are, networking comes naturally to Entrepreneurs. These qualities make it easy for Entrepreneur personalities to get along with just about anyone.

At the same time, if Entrepreneurs see a colleague as incompetent, or worse, lazy, they let them know in no uncertain terms. Emotional sensitivity is not their strong suit. Entrepreneurs are very observant and well-tuned to changes in their colleagues’ habits and moods – unless they themselves are the cause of distress.

Entrepreneur Managers

Management positions are where Entrepreneurs are usually most comfortable, as they often give the most flexibility. Rules and traditions are a bother for people with the Entrepreneur personality type – they’d rather try a bunch of new ideas with a chance of getting things done faster or better than to pay attention to “the way things have always been done” or subordinates’ comfort with experimentation. Entrepreneurs are practical, with a focus on what does, or could, work best.

This can make for a chaotic environment, but Entrepreneurs’ inspiring cult of personality makes them well-suited to handling such a thing. Entrepreneurs enjoy living in the moment. Rather than some broad, intangible future accomplishment like “making customers happy”, Entrepreneur personalities set small, clear, measurable, and attainable goals that keep things on track day-to-day, and hearty congratulations can always be relied on for a job well done. Entrepreneurs keep their eyes on the finish line, but they get there step by step.



Few personality types are as charming and attractive as Entrepreneurs. Known for their ability to improvise and focus completely on the present, Entrepreneurs are great at finding exciting new things to explore and experience. Entrepreneurs’ creativity and down-to-earth attitude are invaluable in many areas, including their own personal growth.

Entrepreneur (ESTP) personality

Yet Entrepreneurs can be easily tripped up in situations where their focus on practical matters is more of a liability than an asset. Whether it is finding (or keeping) a partner, reaching dazzling heights on the career ladder, or learning to plan ahead, Entrepreneurs need to put in a conscious effort to develop their weaker traits and additional skills.

What you have read so far is just an introduction into the complex concept that is the Entrepreneur personality type. You may have muttered to yourself, “wow, this is so accurate it’s a little creepy” or “finally, someone understands me!” You may have even asked “how do they know more about me than the people I’m closest to?”

This is not a trick. You felt understood because you were. We’ve studied how Entrepreneurs think and what they need to reach their full potential. And no, we did not spy on you – many of the challenges you’ve faced and will face in the future have been overcome by other Entrepreneurs. You simply need to learn how they succeeded.

But in order to do that, you need to have a plan, a personal roadmap. The best car in the world will not take you to the right place if you do not know where you want to go. We have told you how Entrepreneurs tend to behave in certain circumstances and what their key strengths and weaknesses are. Now we need to go much deeper into your personality type and answer “why?”, “how?” and “what if?”

This knowledge is only the beginning of a lifelong journey. Are you ready to learn why Entrepreneurs act in the way they do? What motivates and inspires you? What you are afraid of and what you secretly dream about? How you can unlock your true, exceptional potential?

Our premium profiles provide a roadmap towards a happier, more successful, and more versatile YOU. They are not for everyone though – you need to be willing and able to challenge yourself, to go beyond the obvious, to imagine and follow your own path instead of just going with the flow. If you want to take the reins into your own hands, we are here to help you.

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