Släpps på Torsdag : Supreme x Swarovski – Supreme 25th Anniversary

Supreme firar 25 år, och det gör de med bling!

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Jag bara MÅSTE ha en T-Shirt eller Hoodie, Large eller XL, helst inte svart, men annars vilken färg som helst!!


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Här är vad som släpps i morgon.

In April 1994, Supreme opened its doors on Lafayette Street in downtown Manhattan, becoming the home of New York City skate culture. At its core was a group of neighborhood kids, skaters and local artists who became the store’s staff, crew, and customers. Over 25 years, Supreme has expanded from its New York City origins into a global community with 11 stores worldwide and an even larger network of friends and family that make up the fabric of the brand.

To commemorate its 25 years, Supreme will release a Swarovski® crystal Box Logo T-Shirt and Hooded Sweatshirt. The Hooded Sweatshirt features 1,201 Swarovski® crystals and the T-Shirt features 1,161 crystals. The crystals are applied by hand in New York City.


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