Pharrell & Chanel


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Jag gillar det rent överlag, men där är nog inget som jag skulle köpa.
En färgglad hoodie med 5an kanske.. Om det inte är för mycket ”kladd” på dem.



I denna Podcast så berättar han mer om sin koppling till Chanel.

“It’s incredibly layered. I think my first introduction to the brand was Notorious B.I.G. He had a song called ‘One More Chance.’ It was a huge record in our culture and with the world and he said ‘bags by Chanel, Baby Benz traded in your Hyundai Excel.’ It was about elevation and the idea that he knew that just kind of put Chanel on my radar and I started looking around and seeing women with really refined taste wearing it. And then when you dive into it, you see the shows and all the incredible directions they were able to take this brand in without ever wearing down the heritage,”


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