Virgil Abloh’s Next Louis Vuitton Collection Is Based On Michael Jackson.

The Fashion Awards 2018 In Partnership With Swarovski - Winners Room


Snälla gör något riktigt flashigt och snyggt SOM PASSAR MIG!!

I en intervju som Abloh gjorde nyligen så pratade han mycket om musik, och där nämnde han att Michael Jackson är inspirationen för hans kommande kollektion.


I can’t work in my studio without music. I don’t like silence. I’m listening to John Coltrane. I’m listening to Miles Davis. But I’m also listening to whatever new rap is coming out that week. I have teams in Milan, Italy, London, and America, so as long as I have a fully charged iPhone, I feel like I can change the world. I’m talking on that phone, but I’m also constantly listening to music. My next Louis Vuitton collection is going to be based on Michael Jackson, and when I have Michael singing in the background, it’s a different type of shirt, it’s a different kind of boot, it’s a different fit of pants. Music is key.


Så. Michael Jackson, musikinspirerat, oh detta kan bli bra!
Bara släpp kläder som passar mig!

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