Rykten : iPhone XS och XS MAX har dålig täckning

Det var många som hade väldigt stora problem med att få bra täckning på iPhone X.

Det verkar ännu värre och ännu vanligare på de nya modellerna.


A few first consumers who got their iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max have been reporting poor Wi-Fi and cellular reception when compared to their older iPhones. It appears it’s a widespread issue that can be found by any user with any carrier, as seen by several Reddit postsMacRumors, and Apple support forums.

Although the iPhone XS boasts noticeably faster data speeds using Wi-Fi and LTE than its predecessor, the issue still persists. This has caused some to speculate there are hardware issues affecting the product, similar to the antenna scandal during the launch of the iPhone 4where users reported poor cell signals when holding a finger down on its outer edges. Although Apple has yet to make a statement, most consider that the issue will be solved in a forthcoming software update.

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