Släpps På Torsdag : Supreme x Fox Racing

Att köra cross och Fyrhjulingar på allmän väg är överraskande populärt i ghettona i USA, så detta samarbetet riktar in sig på större marknad än vad man tror… Ja plus att de flesta kommer att bära detta som modekläder.

Den röda hjälmen skulle jag vilja ha.


In 1974, Geoff Fox launched Moto-X Fox in Campbell, California. Initially a distributor of European parts, Moto-X Fox began developing and manufacturing its own components. Shortly after, Moto-X Fox assembled a professional motocross team, who competed in vibrantly colorful racewear handmade by Geoff. Fans began calling Fox’s Campbell shop looking to purchase Fox Racing uniforms. Four decades later, Fox Racing’s distinctive designs have become synonymous with motocross globally.

Supreme has worked with Fox Racing on a new collection for Spring 2018. The collection consists of a Moto Jersey Top, Moto Pant, V2 Helmet, Vue Goggles, Proframe Roost Deflector Vest, Bomber LT Gloves, and Moto Hand Grip.

Made exclusively for Supreme, the V2 Helmet features a fiberglass shell, dual density EPS liner, and ventilation system including ten intake and four exhaust vents. The V2 Helmet meets ECE 22.05 and D.O.T. certifications. The Proframe Roost Deflector Vest features neck support compatibility, an integrated buckle system, and removable back panel.

Available in-store NY, Brooklyn, LA, London, Paris and online May 10th.

Det känns som om att detta är första gången som Supreme släpper en kollektionen helt utan någon meningslös grej bara för skoj skull.

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