Kommande Släpp : Supreme/HYSTERIC GLAMOUR – 14 September

HYSTERIC GLAMOUR was founded in 1984 by Nobuhiko Kitamura. Inspired by themes ranging from music to pop art to pornography of the 60s, 70s and 80s, HYSTERIC GLAMOUR created their unique aesthetic of applying bold and colorful graphics to traditional American casual wear silhouettes. HYSTERIC GLAMOUR became a crucial part of the street and counter culture of the 90s and ultimately paved the way for many brands that followed.

Supreme has worked with HYSTERIC GLAMOUR on a collection for Fall 2017. The collection consists of a Faux Fur Coat, N-3B Parka, Work Jacket, Work Pant, Sweater, Short Sleeve Work Shirt, Zip Up Sweatshirt, two Hooded Sweatshirts, Football Tee, Bell Hat, 5-Panel Hat, Beanie, Belt, Duvet + Pillow Set and a Coffee Mug.

Available in-store NY, LA, London, Paris and online September 14th.

Available in Japan on September 16th. 




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