Apple iOS 9.1 är ute nu

Apples officiella anledning till detta är en massa nya Emojis.

Men.. Det viktiga som dom inte säger högt är att en massa buggar ska vara fixade.
  • Fixes an issue that could cause Calendar to become unresponsive in Month view
    Detta har jag märkt av mycket.. Mycket irriterande..
  • Fixes an issue that prevented Game Center from launching for some users
  • Resolves an issue that zoomed the content of some apps
  • Resolves an issue that could cause an incorrect unread mail count for POP mail accounts
  • Fixes an issue that prevented users from removing recent contacts from new mail or messages
  • Fixes an issue that caused some messages to not appear in Mail search results
  • Resolves an issue that left a gray bar in the body of an Audio Message
  • Fixes an issue that caused activation errors on some carriers
  • Fixes an issue that prevented some apps from updating from the App Store

Och detta..

(Visited 23 times, 1 visits today)
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