Discover the World’s Rarest Air Jordan Collection by Gerard Starkey

Continuing our celebration of 30 years of Air Jordan, we took a trip over to London to meet Gerard Starkey – owner of what may be the rarest collection of Js the world has ever seen.

As a member of the super elite Player Exclusives community, Gerard has built up a jaw-dropping selection of shoes signed and worn by Michael Jordan himself, some of which cannot be found in any other collection on Earth. Having begun his love affair with the brand as a young child, the sneaker super-fan was first drawn to the iconic Jordan 6 ”Infrared” – a shoe he used to skateboard in, rather than shoot hoops. As the years went on, Jordans became the only skate shoe for Gerard.

Be sure to join in with the Jordan Brand celebrations by sharing stories about your most cherished Js. Simply post a selfie on social media featuring your favourite pair of Jordans, explaining why the shoes are so special to you and tag it @jumpman23 using the hashtag #WEAREJORDAN to take part.

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