Detailed Look at adidas’ ’Avengers: Age of Ultron’ Sneakers

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May marks the un-official beginning of summer blockbuster movies…and blockbuster sneakers. This season’s first big-budget flick, Avengers: Age of Ultron, hits theaters tonight at midnight, and Marvel teamed up with adidas to drop a special collection of men’s and kids sneakers celebrating the sequel to 2012’s superhero epic The Avengers. The two men’s models in the pack include the adizero Prime Boost and the adizero Feather in ”Quicksilver” colorways. If you’re a comic nerd or plan to watch the Avengers: Age of Ultron in theaters over the weekend, you’ll actually see these kicks on the big screen as the character of Quicksilver is wears them throughout the film. Both styles hit adidas’ global stores on May 1 and The Prime Boost will retail for $200, while the Feather will sell for $110.

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