Dagens Citat : Bill Murray






“The more relaxed you are, the better you are at everything: the better you are with your loved ones, the better you are with enemies, the better you are at your job, the better you are with yourself.”


“Movie acting suits me because I only need to be good for 90 seconds at a time.”

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“Sometimes I snore, like when I get really tired.”

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“Whenever I think of the high salaries we are paid as film actors, I think it is for the travel, the time away, and any trouble you get into through being well-known. It’s not for the acting, that’s for sure.”

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“Everyone loves Cinnabons.”

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“Somewhere there’s a score being kept, so you have an obligation to live life as well as you can, be as engaged as you can.”

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“I do absolutely nothing. I go home and stay there. I wash and scrub up each day, and that’s it. One month I actually grew a moustache, just so I could say that I’d done something.”

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“My favorite thing about New York is the people, because I think they’re misunderstood. I don’t think people realize how kind New York people are. The drivers are far more considerate, they’re just very aggressive.”

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“People say I’m difficult and sometimes that’s a badge of honor.”

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“One of the things I like about acting is that, in a funny way, I come back to myself.”

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“Don’t think about your errors or failures; otherwise, you’ll never do a thing.”

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“I’ve never made any horrible, horrible movies. If you don’t ruin your reputation, you can always get work.”

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“You gotta be able to play straight to play funny. If you can play straight to play funny, playing straight is not a big thing at all. Lots of so called funny people can be very good in a dramatic role.”

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“Awards are meaningless to me, and I have nothing but disdain for anyone who actively campaigns to get one.”

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“I made a lot of mistakes and realized I had to let them go. Don’t think about your errors or failures, otherwise you’ll never do a thing.”

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“I’ve been lucky, I’ve had movies that made a lot of money, so I don’t feel like I have to kill every time out. I don’t want that pressure. I don’t need it.”

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“In Japan, you have no idea what they are saying, and they can’t help you either. Nothing makes any sense. They’re very polite, but you feel like a joke is being played on you the entire time you’re there.”


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“The first 45 minutes of the original Ghostbusters is some of the funniest stuff ever made.”


“I think midlife crisis is just a point where people’s careers have reached some plateau and they have to reflect on their personal relationships.”

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“I’ve had some success in movies, so I really don’t think about success. You like to have it, but I’m not desperate for it.”

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“I’m a nut, but not just a nut.”

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