Alexander Gustafsson vs. Anthony Johnson

Jaha…. Då höll man sej vaken för detta..

The Mauler förlorade..

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Round 1

England’s Mark Goddard is the referee for tonight’s 205-pound main event, with judges Mark Collett, Jesper Gunnarson and Andy Roberts scoring at cageside. Gustafsson lands an outside leg kick, then one to the inside. He sticks a jab as Johnson pushes forward, swinging huge punches to try and take the Swede’s head off. Another leg kick from Gustafsson is answered in kind by “Rumble,” who backs up as Gustafsson throws a punching combo. A finger from Gustafsson’s outstretched left hand catches Johnson in his right eye. Johnson recovers quickly and catches a kick from Gustafsson on the restart, knocking “The Mauler” to the deck with a straight right hand. Gustafsson pops back to his feet and starts backpedaling as Johnson head-hunts. An uppercut catches Gustafsson near the fence and he falls to the ground, where Johnson wraps his right arm around the kneeling Gustafsson’s waist and smashes away with right hands. Referee Goddard calls for action from Gustafsson, and when Johnson lands three or four heavy rights underneath the Swede’s armpit, rocking Gustafsson’s head, Goddard stops the fight.

The Official Result

Anthony Johnson def. Alexander Gustafsson via TKO (Punches) R1 2:15

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