Royal Air Force x G-SHOCK Premium GPW-1000RAF GPS Aviator


Jag är rätt så sugen på denna MODELLEN.. Inte just denna klockan..
Men.. Dom är så dyra!


Inspired by the Royal Air Force’s durable Chinook helicopters, the GPW-1000RAF GPS Aviator watch represents the craft’s advanced technology and is tough enough to endure extreme terrain. It features a new Hybrid GPS/Radio Wave Ceptor function picking up time signals from atomic transmitters or from GPS satellites to deliver absolute accuracy. In addition, the watch includes a Zulu time function. When the embossed red “Z” is pressed the hands immediately set to Zulu time, returning to local time after a few seconds. This avoids any confusion pilots and crew may have when communicating across different time zones. Developed as the ultimate pilots watch, details include scratch resistance sapphire glass, anti-reflection coating, LED lit high visibility luminescent coated numbers and a carbon hands that can withstand up to 12 Gs while in rotation.

The G-SHOCK Premium GPW-1000RAF watch is now available online and retails for approximately $1,330 USD.

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