Nigo’s 25th Anniversary Auction Was Insane

* Den killen har så mycket prylar!!!
* Och vilka samarbeten han har gjort!!!
* Dom jävla dockorna alltså.. I don´t get it.


Här är dom topp 10 dyraste sakerna som såldes på auktionen

10. Jacob & Co. Special Order Dollar Sign Chain

Estimated sale price: $19,341 – $25,788
What it sold for: $104,764

9. Jean Prouvé Swing-Jib Lamp No. 602

Estimated sale price: $25,788 – $32,235
What it sold for: $128,940


8. Kaws (Original Fake) Companion

Estimated sale price: $9,026 – $11,605
What it sold for: $128,940

7. Jean Prouvé Banquette No. 356


Estimated sale price: $19,341 – $25,788
What it sold for: $128,940


6. Charlotte Perriand Bibliothèque Nuage

Estimated sale price: $64,470 – $90,258
What it sold for: $128,940


5. Jean Prouvé Marcoule Bench with Astro Boy Sculpture

Estimated sale price: $10,315 – $15,473
What it sold for: $167,622

4. Richard Mille white gold and diamond-set watch

Estimated sale price: $96,705 – $128,940
What it sold for: $190,831

3. Kaws Unititled (Painting and Doll)


Estimated sale price: $283,668 – $361,032
What it sold for: $283,668

2. Andy Warhol Campbell’s Soup I (set of 10)

Estimated sale price: $283,668 – $386,820
What it sold for: $407,450



1. Andy Warhol Campbell’s Soup II (set of 10)

Estimated sale price: $193,410 – $257,880
What it sold for: $345,559



Kolla gärna in inläggen nedan


NIGO® – A Visit To The Treasury

Nigo [BAPE] Larger Than Lifestyle

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