15 Strange Facts That Perfectly Explain The World We Live In Now

  • In the next 10 days, 112,000 people in the US, Europe and Japan will reach the retirement age of 65.

  • In each of the last three years, sales of adult diapers in Japan have exceeded sales of baby diapers.

  • Meanwhile, 97 out of every 100 births now occur in developing countries.

  • In the next 40 years, the world will run out of oil.

  • Today, 768 million people across the globe lack access to clean drinking water, and 2.5 billion people have no access to proper sanitation.

  • And, there are 1.6 billion overweight people in the world versus 900 million undernourished people.

  • 56% of the world economy is currently being supported by official policies of zero interest rates.

  • In the last 15 years, the value of prime London real estate has quadrupled; and yet today, UK interest rates are the lowest they have been in 300 years.

  • In the next 10 seconds, the US national debt will have risen by $322,000.

  • In 2015, the US federal government will spend $3.77 trillion (an amount larger than Germany’s GDP), while 50 million people live in poverty in the United States.

  • The number of US government regulations increased from 834,949 in 1997 to 1,040,940 by 2012.

  • 2,000 years of civilization…and the market cap of Dr. Pepper Snapple today exceeds that of the entire corporate sector of Egypt.

  • In the last 10 years, the number of industrial robots is up 72%, while the number of US manufacturing jobs is down 16%.

  • In the next nine minutes, you would become a millionaire if you were given a nickel ($0.05) for every Google search.

  • And by 2023, the average $1,000 laptop will be able to communicate at the speed of the human brain (and 25 years later, at the rate of the entire human race).

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