Justin Timberlake x Jordan Brand – Air Jordan III “Legends of the Summer – University Red”


Det är alltså fler musikers.. Än idrottsmän.. Som har signat till sej en skodeal..


Senast ut är Justin Timberlake som fick Nike att släppa en väldigt limiterad sko…

Givetvis röd..

legends of the summer air jordan iii university red 0 Justin Timberlake x Jordan Brand   Air Jordan III Legends of the Summer   University Redlegends of the summer air jordan iii university red 1 570x433 Justin Timberlake x Jordan Brand   Air Jordan III Legends of the Summer   University Redlegends of the summer air jordan iii university red 2 Justin Timberlake x Jordan Brand   Air Jordan III Legends of the Summer   University Redlegends of the summer air jordan iii university red 3 570x555 Justin Timberlake x Jordan Brand   Air Jordan III Legends of the Summer   University Redlegends of the summer air jordan iii university red 4 570x495 Justin Timberlake x Jordan Brand   Air Jordan III Legends of the Summer   University Redlegends of the summer air jordan iii university red 5 570x779 Justin Timberlake x Jordan Brand   Air Jordan III Legends of the Summer   University Red

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