Snarkitecture Pillow for iPhone 5

Om du inte vill att din iPhone ska ligga direkt på bordet.. Och om du inte alltid har en hög med papper på skrivbordet (som jag)..
Så kanske du vill ha en liten kudde att lägga din telefon på?

Då passar ju denna 700kr dyra kudden fint?

Och ja.. Det är bara en kudde..
Till din telefon.. För 700 kronor..

Pillow is designed to provide a dedicated and memorable resting place for your phone. Appearing as a soft form molded by the weight of a phone, the impression remains fixed when the phone is removed as the folds and indentations are cast from durable white gypsum cement.

Pillow creates an identifiable place for your phone, whether on an entry table when you return home, on a bedside table at night, or on a desk at work. A small niche on the underside of the object also holds a charging cable in place.

Each Pillow is individually cast by hand in Brooklyn, NY. Initial orders of Pillow will ship in 3 – 4 weeks. Phone and charging cable not included.

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