Dagens Outfits : Det är Fredag.. Det är sommar och sol.. Vad har du för anledning att inte klä upp dej?





http://instagram.com/p/Xnf5-aPzAV/ IMG_2896  http://instagram.com/p/YScou8wmtc/ http://instagram.com/p/bm34eaPzLa/ IMG_3762
Helt ok.. Med matchande shorts och vit skjorta.. http://instagram.com/p/bf0W8-IAWq/ http://instagram.com/p/bdonbDjAS5/ http://instagram.com/p/aEZ43-JN1Q/ http://instagram.com/p/bbR3koSOJz/ Perfectly-Elegant-in-Beverly-Hills-18-800x600 http://instagram.com/p/bLl08vNiIZ/ RB3349-01
ÄLSKAR dom.. Och Ray-Ban har dålig service!


Thank you for contacting the Luxottica Consumer Warranty Department. Unfortunately the product that you are inquiring on is no longer available.

We do apologize, but we are also unable to offer any information or parts on discontinued items. Please visit your local Luxottica eye care provider. They may be able to offer those parts from overstocked inventory.

Again, we apologize for an inconvenience this may have caused you.

Thank you for contacting Luxottica Consumer Warranty.


But this is Ray Ban right?

I have checked everywhere around here but they never even had that model and it stopped selling in 2007.

and you cant repair the glas i have on now?


Thank you for contacting Luxottica Consumer Affairs Department.

Please contact our offices Monday – Friday at 1-800-343-5594 from 9:00 – 5:30 EST p.m. so that we may provide further assistance to you.

Again, thank you for contacting the Luxottica Consumer Affairs Department.



I live in Sweden, cant call

Thank you for contacting Luxottica Consumer Warranty.

We appreciate your business.  Please be advised that the Luxottica Group only services within the United States

For service in Switzerland, please call +0800 55 28 48 or email info@ch.luxottica.com.



But in Sweden then?


Sweden.. Switzerland.. Stor skillnad Ray-Ban.. Dåligt..

http://instagram.com/p/bGZ33iPEAE/ http://instagram.com/p/bFI_f0F2Za/ http://instagram.com/p/Xe6jTTNbCz/ http://instagram.com/p/ZsrRcWNbEe/ http://instagram.com/p/WrtW0CNbLh/
Precis.. Keep it classicbally-2014-spring-summer-footwear-collection-2 89a82d53642fdc17b4dc7af0fb58eb6d232aad13
Det finns väldigt få bilder på den ”där ute”.. Är lite sugen.. Även om den inte var skön att hålla i och väldigt plastig.. http://instagram.com/p/ahGeS2F2U8/ http://instagram.com/p/aw8iORl2YJ/ http://instagram.com/p/auJWxUF2Qi/ http://instagram.com/p/atUgcQl2fF/
Väst är snyggt.. Men i dont have the body for ithttp://instagram.com/p/auGyaNF2cz/ http://instagram.com/p/aqhwW9F2T6/ 1001627_589563194398046_1170118168_n http://instagram.com/p/aVMgjtLwCC/ suited1 http://instagram.com/p/Z8wNlWgCsL/ http://instagram.com/p/aHDAfFwaZD/ gant-rugger-2013-pre-fall-american-colony-lookbook-1 IMG_0058 http://instagram.com/p/Y8sxoWMzPa/ http://instagram.com/p/ZqwQcuNwOH/ pink-shorts1 http://instagram.com/p/ZjbA_zwcUh/ Posted-On-Shock-Mansion-3138 swag-barney tumblr_lupg946u5S1qe0eclo1_r5_500 http://instagram.com/p/ZDrlrQNd2v/

Faktiskt…dita_cazal_1 TBMPG004GN099 pdiddy4_366635 Posted-On-Shock-Mansion-14 tumblr_mlvl7w6C1Y1rxb4d7o1_500 tumblr_mlvu0f4B8u1rxb4d7o1_500 http://instagram.com/p/YhTBQvQDPI/ Posted-On-Shock-Mansion-238 IMG_3901 IMG_3468 IMG_3451 http://instagram.com/p/VZPlSrsmE2/


Ok.. En ansenlig anledning.. <DET ÄR FÖR VARMT FÖR KOSTYM!

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