Dagens Kärleksinlägg


http://instagram.com/p/ZeTQZ3He72/ http://instagram.com/p/ZC2WfIJirD/ IMG_0326 hump-day-laughs-booties-galore-39 44676 IMG_3829
The love of food bring people together =)
http://instagram.com/p/ZO13CgFZds/ IMG_1429 1364326611 Posted-On-Shock-Mansion-25
Man ska aldrig gå o lägga sej som ovänner.. Sura..Känna sej ensam..  osv.
IMG_7014 IMG_8551 http://instagram.com/p/aG4pDAuCsW/
Sant.. Men vem är INTE crazy då??
http://instagram.com/p/YD7DkeB9QX/ IMG_3182 http://instagram.com/p/aSgUfqtmh_/
PRECIS!!! Och en snäl. omtänktsam. mogen kille är ju bara för tråkig och alldaglig.
Hmm.. Den hamnade nog fel.. Det rör ju inte kärlek direkt.
http://instagram.com/p/awrsD3H2NF/ http://instagram.com/p/YsBiswFaE_/ IMG_7877 http://instagr.am/p/XBRzj8HN9t/
Meeen han kanske har en app som sparar dom bilderna som han gillar och sen så lägger han upp dom bilderna i en blogg som han har för att roa främmande killar?
IMG_1943 IMG_4496
Something like that.

http://instagram.com/p/asccOVuy_C/ http://instagram.com/p/awsQRJH2N-/ IMG_1451  IMG_8826 http://instagram.com/p/Zn0GAon2NM/ 521371_10151595289957517_931232720_n IMG_4996
I´m never wierd
I sing often..
I rarely talk
I never talk nonsense
http://instagram.com/p/aHHUJgQ-ft/ IMG_1144 sZvBlSPl IMG_4877 http://instagram.com/p/Y69FA8wIgL/ IMG_5172
PRECIS!.. Om dom bara visste..
http://instagram.com/p/Y0TJXlKIFp/ one-way-to-do-it-14
HA!  Den var bra!
IMG_2968 IYcYdSRl
Det var rätt så sweet.
IMG_4878 IMG_3001 memorial-day-dopeness-26 IMG_4230 IMG_8205
Take care of it.
It never ends…
Tyyyp hela min högstadietid.
IMG_4922 zutiu_23_619653 IMG_7500
Jepp thats about it.. And then nobody wants someone who got  nothing.
IMG_4994 IMG_4338 jkjaj_17_619653 vxkod_41_619653 IMG_5002 vqtjf_32_619653 http://instagram.com/p/Yd1mDHOnCr/
Sååå.. Om man inte har hållt hand eller kramats på 15 år så kan det alltså vara ännu ett stressmoment? 😉
vlesj_36_619653 IMG_8504 1363287049
Brudar som inte städar alltså…. Då måste dom vara JÄVLIGT snygga!!
So… A BJ a day ladies..
aavkj_22_619653 hapcm_46_619653 vmwcy_1_619653 wfejv_19_619653 IMG_3073 936135_603975736282241_23452978_n exwyg_30_619653 http://instagram.com/p/YyL3mvunNS/ IMG_4907 csvyc_29_619653 IMG_3886
Det måste ju vara en självklarhet..
lick jjpfh_27_619653 ofmzz_10_619653 IMG_3977 http://instagram.com/p/ZG_RMdNN_J/ cartridges
Juuupp! Såere!  Keeping it old school!
ljkyp_37_619653 dope-shit-28 IMG_9015  IMG_4865 IMG_4518 IMG_7695 IMG_3233 http://instagram.com/p/ZCxbu1TLYy/ 44186 tumblr_ljco1fSnrH1qzado8o1_500 Posted-On-Shock-Mansion-558 12 Posted-On-Shock-Mansion-26 fun-facts-022-04282013
Så.. För att gottgöra en påse chips om dagen… Såååå..
Bitches be crazy.
Posted-On-shock-Mansion-441 Posted-On-Shock-Mansion-4515 http://instagram.com/p/Y0mShezGkp/http://instagram.com/p/aHMk-MOdt0/

The Compliment Translator: What You Say Vs. What Girls Hear

I love that dress on you.
I might be gay.

Your cooking is almost as good as my mom’s.

You have a classic body shape.
You know, like a Buick Skylark.

I feel so safe and protected by your embrace.
We both know you could take me in a fight.

I love your perfume. The scent reminds me of my grandma.
I’m a creep who’s probably into senior citizen porn.

You have such nice, big eyes, like Bambi.
Yeah — nice, big…eyes. Good save!

Are you Italian?
You have a big butt for a white girl.

Did you play softball in high school?
Ever hooked up with another girl?

You’ve got a good arm!
Seriously, are you a lesbian?

You’re very athletic.
You’ve got a swimmer’s build. Sort of Michael Phelps-ish.

Your voice is so sexy!
You sound like the Marlboro Man.

Have you lost weight?
You have stretch marks on your t**s. Those are new. Yikes.

Hey, nice tan!
That color doesn’t even look good on an orange.

I like a woman who can eat.
Here’s hoping you stop eating like a cow before your metabolism slows down.

You’re a good conversationalist.
Less talking. More banging. Thanks.

Your breasts look amazing in that bra.
Your boobs are so sad without some support.

You look like a beer drinker. My kinda lady.
I’ve never seen a gut that big on someone without a d***.

I love that you’re a mature woman.
Time to check I.D. This guy might just be using me to buy him and his friends brewskis.

Hey, nice shirt.
Thanks for giving me an excuse to stare at your bodacious jugs!

Have you been going to the gym?
You thought I was fat before. How fat? Oh God. I’m huge.

Are you British?
Or could your parents not afford braces?

Wow! You drink beer, too? Nice.
You’re just like a dude. Like my friend Steve. Man, I wish Steve were here!

I love you.
I don’t love you.

I’m in love with you.
I’m married.

(Visited 57 times, 1 visits today)
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