The Cure for Greed by Diddo

Dosen mot/för girighet är tydligen att injicera ren bläck som är kemiskt framtaget ur 10.000 dollar genom en spruta utav 24 karats guld.

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The Cure for Greed by Diddo 12
The Cure for Greed by Diddo 05
The Cure for Greed by Diddo 04

The Cure for Greed by Diddo 02

The Cure for Greed by Diddo 01

Each personally monogrammed custom-made mahogany or walnut box contains: One 24-karat gold plated syringe, one 5ml crimp-sealed serum vial containing one dose of stabilized pure dollar ink and two 24-karat gold plated needles.
Do not try this at home, injecting ink can be lethal, it’s intent is that of an artistic value.

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