USA… ”We are number 1”.. Världens mäktigaste land..
Ligger 122.1 trillioner dollar i skuld.
Trilla billa..
Och så här ser det ut om man skulle stapla 100 dollars sedlar.
There’s 10K for ya.
This is 100 stacks of 10 grand… 1 million dollars. Could fit in most duffle bags.
100 million dollars. I hope to have a chair like this someday.
This is a billion dollars. Holy shit that’s a lot of cash. Fun fact: 1 billion dollars in 100 dollar bills weighs 20,000 pounds. I think I’ll take a wire transfer instead.
This is probably why no one in the world has a trillion dollars. It’s pretty much more money than you could possibly imagine.
Here’s another angle of 1 trillion. Dumb.
$16.394 trillion dollars. That’s the US national debt ceiling. I don’t know what that means exactly… but it looks like a pretty frikkin high ceiling if y’ask me.
And here is how much money the United States government has spent that it DOESN’T have. 122.1 trillion dollars. Notice the relativity to the Statue of Liberty. Here’s what we SHOULD HAVE done with all that money. Build these towers of cash. They’re taller than the United States’ tallest building — and there’s like 50 of em. We literally could have built a tower into space with giant palettes of hundos.