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Nettleton 198 by SAOTA and OKHA Interiors (1)Nettleton 198 by SAOTA and OKHA Interiors (2)Nettleton 198 by SAOTA and OKHA Interiors (3)Nettleton 198 by SAOTA and OKHA Interiors (5)Nettleton 198 by SAOTA and OKHA Interiors (4)Nettleton 198 by SAOTA and OKHA Interiors (6)Nettleton 198 by SAOTA and OKHA Interiors (7)Nettleton 198 by SAOTA and OKHA Interiors (8)

Jag gillar det taket riktigt mycket! Trodde först att det låg en pool ovanför.
Nettleton 198 by SAOTA and OKHA Interiors (9)Nettleton 198 by SAOTA and OKHA Interiors (11)Nettleton 198 by SAOTA and OKHA Interiors (12)Nettleton 198 by SAOTA and OKHA Interiors (10)Nettleton 198 by SAOTA and OKHA Interiors (13)

Här hade jag velat bo.. Tyckte det var riktigt riktigt häftigt..
Och då har vi ändå inte sett allt.

Kolla på ritningarna.
Nettleton 198 by SAOTA and OKHA Interiors (15)Nettleton 198 by SAOTA and OKHA Interiors (14)Nettleton 198 by SAOTA and OKHA Interiors (16)Nettleton 198 by SAOTA and OKHA Interiors (17)Nettleton 198 by SAOTA and OKHA Interiors (19)Nettleton 198 by SAOTA and OKHA Interiors (23)Nettleton 198 by SAOTA and OKHA Interiors (22)Nettleton 198 by SAOTA and OKHA Interiors (20)

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