30th Anniversary G-Shock event


G-Shock 30th Anniversary Shock The World 2012 Event
A new EMINEM Collaboration G-Shock Coming Soon!

Red G9330 Mudman
GLS100 G-Lide
New Metallic Color DW6900MF series
Crocodile Textured DW6900CR series
New resin mold technology enables this synthetic textured look

Are we going to start seeing G-Shock bands in a wide variety of other textures in the future? It will be interesting to see what Casio does with this technology in upcoming releases.

New DGK collab
Casio execs and some of the celeb brand ambassadors on stage
GB6900AA Bluetooth G-Shocks

This new series of low energy consumption Bluetooth 4.0 watches feature a 2-year battery life. Also has incoming call and mail alerts, along with a phone finder feature.

GW4000 Aviator G-Shocks
G-Aviation GWA1000 G-Shock
GWA1000 G-Shock with Triple G Resist and Smart Access
GDF100 with Tough Solar, Thermometer, Altimeter and LED Illumination
New Military Inspired G-Force DW5600KG, G6900KG, GR7900KG, GR7900NV and GR8900NV
GW9100 Gulfman
GW9200 Riseman
G930 Mudman Master of G
30th Anniversary Red series
1st G-Shock: The DW-5000C-1A
Released back in 1983
New Baby-G BLX103 Watches
BGA152 and BGA153
BG6900 and BG6901
KE$SHA x Baby-G
DGK x G-SHOCK G6900DGK-7 Collaboration
Plus a skateboard, hat and more…
Burton x G-Shock GDF100BTN-1
Want a G-Shock snowboard?
CLOT x G-Shock Collaboration DW-6900CL-4
Eric Haze x G-Shock GA110EH-8A
IN4MATION x G-Shock GLX150X-7
Maharashi x G-Shock GA-110MH-7A
Rose Gold GA110RG, GA200RG and GAC100RG
Metallic DW-6900MF
DW6900CR with crocodile finish and gold accents
GLS100 G-Lide
GWX8900 and GLX150
Happy 30th Anniversary G-Shocks!!!

30th Anniversary Red G-Shock series

New GB-6900 Bluetooth G-Shock
Burton Collaboration?
GDF-100BTN-1 G-Shock
New DGK collaboration?

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Så.. en av varje tack!
Och äntligen en massa vettiga röda!

Per Andersson

Så grymt inlägg!
Älskar läsa din blogg vid såna här tillfällen 🙂

Niklas K

Älskar G-shock serien!

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