Publicerat 24 februari, 20123 februari, 2013 av SIR_PierreDagens Ögongodis. Jag gillade den luckan. Så jävla fet. Men jag hade ändå valt en SLR före. Jag gillar Fisker.. Vore en trevlig citybil. WTF!? (Visited 23 times, 1 visits today) Liknande inlägg: Dagens Ögongodis : Bilar Nattens Ögongodis. Dagens Ögongodis.
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rarelly.. thats sucks =(
because it's maybe Swedish language, no offense but i'm from Belgium and i don't get shit 😉 But it's your blog and you can write in it in any language you want :-))
personally i'm from Belgium.
but that's why they created google translate :
ingen anka ansikte på den här bloggen!
Yeah i know.. Ive thought about that sometimes.. But i just know that it wouldnt be any good if i had to whrigt in english 😉
So yeah for google translate =)