Dagens Crib.

Ne.. Detta är ingen crib utan ”Döttling Collector Rooms For Watches and Luxury Collections”

Döttling som gör väldigt snygga kassaskåp ni vet… Dom har jag skrivit om ett par gånger.

Så detta rummet för klockor är väl egentligen ett enda stort kassaskåp kan man säga.
Ett ”safe room”

Whether for watches or clocks, jewelry, artifacts, or weapons – private collections of supreme quality require representative and safe rooms. Creating an exquisite setting for the finest precious items, from basic planning to the development of the design concept, and all the way to the final execution, is a challenge which our specialists in wood, metal, leather, and design are predestined to master.
With its “Collector rooms”, Döttling is now offering a product range which leaves nothing to be desired for end customers as well as architects and planners. The first step is choosing between two basic principles: a fully secured room with Döttling high-security access, or a room which can be entered regularly, with Döttling safes which are naturally integrated into the rest of the furnishings. The most exquisite materials and high-security glass cabinets for showcasing special exhibits complete the product portfolio.

For the first time, “Collector rooms” by Döttling offers the opportunity not only to store all kinds of valuable collections safely, but also to present them in a suitable setting in which you can fully focus on and devote yourself to your precious objects. It is not only the knowledge and experience of four generations of craftsmanship that are incorporated in the building of every future “Collector room”. It is, above all, also the understanding – developed over the course of nearly 100 years – of the supreme standards of an exceptional clientele.

Detta har jag faktiskt aldrig tänkt på tidigare… Visst en walk in closet med ett snyggt kassaskåp just för klockor osv osv…

Men ett helt safe room för sina klockor och smycken…

THATS ballin!

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